Statement by H.E. Ambassador Jorge Iván Mora Godoy, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Cuba, on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, at the Commission on Trade in Goods and Services and Commodities, on agenda item 4: Analysis of ways to enhance the contribution of specific services sectors to the development perspectives of developing countries: National experiences with regulations and liberalization: examples in the construction services sector and its contribution to the development of developing countries

Distinguished delegates,

1. The outcome of the Expert Meeting on National Experiences with Regulation and Liberalization: Examples in the Construction Services Sector and its Contribution to the Development of Developing Countries enlists a host of issues of concern to developing countries. The Group of 77 and China believes that this outcome as a whole could serve as a sound basis for reaching an agreement on recommendations by the Commission. We would like to stress that multilateral financial institutions could improve their facilities for supporting the capacity building in construction services sector of developing countries. In this respect, the Group of 77 and China strongly urge all members of the Commission to invite those institutions to implement those actions that experts have clearly articulated.

2. Another peculiarity of this Outcome is in its emphasis on the recommendations to the Governments. The role of construction services sector in developing countries is fundamental, since it provides a physical infrastructure and in this way is strongly linked with implementation of the social programs and achievement of the overall development objectives. This role should be supported and reinforced by the adequate policies. The Group of 77 and China is of a view that the Commission could reach an agreement on recommendations to the Governments concerning those policy instruments which would contribute to the development of developing countries the most.

3. The Group of 77 and China would like to express satisfaction on the way this expert Meeting contributed to the implementation of UNCTAD mandate on services set out in the Plan of Action. We would like to see that work continues in this area and invite this Commission to endorse recommendations to UNCTAD, which experts have identified as means to strengthen the capacity of developing countries in the area of construction services.

Thank you very much.